Friday, January 8, 2010

Phase One - Complete ... Onward to Next Step

To all of my followers, I apologize for not updating sooner. Life has been insanely busy for me and nothing really all that new on the front for the surgery over the holidays. Other than I did do an "offline" blog update and to avoid any hurt feelings, I chose not to publicly post it.

Exciting couple of days! I feel like this are starting to move again. It's real! I'm doing this! I'm excited! A bit freaked out too but I believe that is to be expected. I've been so stressed out over the last few weeks over this first appointment that with the combination of work on top of things, it's just been nuts! I literally popped a few times and took my stress out on a few unsuspecting people in my life.

Initially I was concerned because I can't drive very far without falling asleep or getting pretty dozy behind the wheel. In particular at night, I simply can't go very far without that happening and it's very scary. So I knew for sure I had to have someone come with me. It worked out fantastic that my friend Heather, who I met in the support groups, was able to go with me and help with the driving. I was really happy with the company and enjoyed getting to know her a bit better. She's a great person and is a great support.

So that being said, I suppose a refresher of what happened may be in order for some of you since it's been some time since I've updated. Jan 8 was my initial consultation with "Dr. Graber", the surgeon in Utica New York. This is guy I've researched, read about and heard a great many fantastic stories about. Their hospital and associate surgeons have completed approximately 3000 by-pass surgeries since their hospital began. Their stats are fantastic, with only one death due to complications in that time. There are several people both on OH and in my group who have had surgery done with Graber or another surgeons at this hospital.

When I initially started this process and having finally made my decision to go ahead with this, it was because I had been introduced to Graber and had spoke to him at a women's show in Ottawa in September. It's not a decision I did lightly and being guided to Dr. Graber by an acquaintance of mine sped up my decision to go ahead with it. So when I called and booked my appointment with Graber, it had been made for Jan 8th and I was looking forward to meeting him.

When making the appointment with Graber, I had been told I had to attend an 8am seminar and then see him at 10am. I arrived at the seminar this morning I discovered that I would not be seeing Graber at all but I would be seeing Dr. Fritzer instead. I was a bit put out and very surprised by this since I had called back in Sept, requesting Graber and not Fritzer. I was very unsettled by this but as I thought about it I realized it would be just fine since I also know several people who had their surgery done by him and with fantastic results. I think I was just thrown because that's not the original plan for me.

I thought I would feel things out and just watch him and listen to him and see how I felt. Initially I wasn't sure how I felt but as he got further into the seminar I did start to warm up to him and by the end of the seminar I was completely okay with it. I have to admit I was surprised to find out that there were people there to learn about the lapband surgery as well. I hadn't realized they did that surgery there as well. Apparently although they are not huge supporters of the lapband, they do do it there although suggest if you decide it is what you want to actually go to a different facility with more experience. (Strange but true!) Although he does do them. They are huge advocates of the Roux-En-Y and it's understandable.

I have to step back a few steps and mention that anyone who doesn't really understand what I will be doing to myself should actually go out and get the Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies book. I read quite a bit of it last nite in the hotel room and it simplifies things and really explains quite a bit. I actually added a few more questions to my list of questions for the surgeon after reading this. It's very informative and explains things very easily.

Back at the seminar I was surprised to find that the people there were not overly eager to ask questions. I suppose I'm the "take charge" kind of person that wants to know pretty much anything I don't understand and I actually asked about six or seven different questions (Some I was surprised I found necessary to ask after doing soooo much research.). There were probably around 10 people there and two other people asked questions. How crazy is that? If you're going to do something so serious, you should know everything you can!! And I know there were a few people there that had no clue, just from how they were talking at the beginning.

There was a man there who had come from Kingston, not too far from here, and he had been approved sometime in November from OHIP. So this kinda make me take pause to realize that they are actually approving some people for OCC still. He was of a high BMI, like myself so perhaps Ottawa has realized they may be in over their heads. I actually hate to say it but when I spoke to Fritzer later, he did admit to me they are having issues there. (YIKES!)

Anyway, back to the seminar. I met Michelle, one of the nurses who had had the surgery 13 months ago and has lost around (I think she said this) 145 or so. She looked great! We chatted back and forth quite a bit before the seminar started. She seemed very friendly.

After the seminar was over I had to zip up the road a bit and go to their offices for my appointment with Fritzer for 10am. I was initially taken in for my chart inputting and the nurse weighed me and did my height. Interesting thing to note is I kept my boots on and didn't empty pockets and such. I figured a few extra pounds before surgery was no big deal especially when I wasn't allowed to gain anything from that point on. I won't reveal my weight yet because I'm still not comfortable doing that yet but just know it's still high but hasn't changed a ton since the last doctors appointment (no pun intended). We did my blood pressure, which is very high since I'm still having troubles with my BP medicine and she took emergency numbers and other information.

From there I was taken to see Michelle, the nurse from the seminar and we discussed if I felt I would be able to adhere to the things discussed at the seminar. She also quizzed me on drinking rules for proper filling of the pouch. We disussed a few other things and I signed all the paperwork necessary for surgery and agreed to my return visits after surgery and all of the rules and recommendations they have for their patients. She also gave me my target weight which is 191 lbs and my ideal weight which is 138 lbs ( I simply cannot imagine!).

We also discussed my anti-inflammatory drugs and other drugs I would be taking and are currently taking. I found out that I will be able to take my regular NSAIDS again 4 weeks after surgery if necessary. I will have to take them with a prescription antacid and she doesn't believe I will need to stay on them long as the weight comes off. It was good to hear this because I was concerned about my pain levels and aches for after the surgery until the weight comes off.

Once this was all discussed I was taken to see Dr. Fritzer himself. He, of course, recognized me from the seminar and I commented on the fact that I asked so many questions. He was apparently happy I asked them. The one thing he surprised me with was that although I had brought a ton of information with me ie. blood work, note from my therapist, etc, he didn't even look at it. I mentioned to him that I assumed he looked at it but he said he wanted to start with a clean plate and take it from there with his impression of me. I was laughing and happy and actually had him smiling a few times when I told him I felt like he was rushing and explained he just talks fast.

He did a simple physical and decided I did not need any additional testing other than the regular tests like the blood work and EKG, etc that they require. I was relieved because I wasn't entirely sure of what to expect. When he did my physical he was pressing really hard into my diaphragm and I kept gasping and moving from the pain of it, to the point of him telling me that if he couldn't feel this correctly because of my moving he would make me lose weight before surgery. I tried to sit still but it freaking hurt and he told me he wants me to lose ten pounds! lol OKAY! It was actually kinda funny and I was so relieved at that point that I was just fine with that.

So when he was done it was as simple as that. All I needed to do was lose the ten pounds and we'd do the surgery once OHIP approves. Now the ten pounds is the easy part! The big next step is next week with Dr. Dent. I don't know what will happen there but I'm going there very prepared and we'll see what happens. From what this guy says that was at the seminar in the morning he saw Dr. Dent and was approved sometime after Nov 4 for OCC. I have his name so I will be using it when I see him if I find things are not going my way. It's scary to have even Dr. Fritzer admit that Ottawa is having issues with bigger BMIs and for me to have to even think of going there when there have been 3 deaths since they just started doing the bigger BMI's in the last month or so!!!!!!!! Scary.

So I ask everyone, next Wednesday, send me your positive thoughts and energies. Let's get them to approve me to OHIP to get out of country help for this! I am ready to go as soon as they go!!! By the way, I just found out I still don't have anyone to come with me to Ottawa. I really could use the company. It is a day trip so I shouldn't be too bad but I would still appreciate the company!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the appointment went great!! The good thing about getting in with Fitzer is that you'll get a surgery date about a month sooner than you would have with Graber!
    Sending "send Tina to Utica" vibes Dr Dent's way!!! I really wish I could go with you :(
